Useful Links

USEFUL WEBSITE The Centre, formerly known as CSISS, develops and runs training, and seminars with international guest speakers in the realm of family and other social systems. Judith Hemming facilitates on many of their training...


ATRICLES   Research Papers, Reports, Articles & Case Studies Stellar Performance; A first-hand account of a movingconstellations workshop in Spirit & Destiny magazine, by Andrea Blundell, March 2008 How To Heal Your Family; An article in Spirituality...


If you are interested in training events in systemic constellations, please visit the Centre for Systemic Constellations (CSC).  Judith is a senior teaching faculty on these training courses. CSC offers a number of training programmes in Family Constellations...

Who are Constellations For?

Systemic Constellations – A unique approach to liberating potent Constellations are a solution-focused healing approach. While traditional therapies typically focus only on the client, Constellations works with a whole picture of the individual as part of a...