Therapists wishing to support the work of clients

Therapists have for many years been both referring and accompanying their clients to be issue holders at constellation workshops. This experience can support and deepen their work by:

  • Illuminating the impact of the client’s extended family – often going back several generations
  • Uncovering systemic entanglements outside individual awareness
  • Moving clients towards systemic resolution and healing, which can then be supported by ongoing therapy
  • Introducing new kinds of awareness and challenge for both clients and therapists
  • Increasing the therapist’s ability to include systemic issues in individual work.

The therapist/client relationship benefits most by attending the workshop together, but clients are also provided with a transcript of the work to support follow up. The therapist fee for a day’s participation is very much reduced.

To book: go to the event calendar and find the date of the personal and family issues workshop run by Judith Hemming that you and your client wish to attend. If you click on the date it will bring up the booking page. You can then book and pay online. The special rate for accompanying therapists is shown.


Supervision is both helpful and necessary, especially for anyone who is beginning to work with family constellations in groups, and for those who want to integrate the systemic perspective into their therapeutic work. If you would like to book individual session with Judith Hemming to look at any area of your practice/work from a systemic point of view, please contact her directly (details below).

Judith also offers individual sessions for those who would like help to prepare for a workshop, or to integrate their experiences after having done a constellation. This is not regular or ongoing work, but a helpful adjunct to the workshop experience.

Please contact Judith directly on +44 (0)79 73 66 07 95 or at to discuss booking a session.